
There are many ways to communicate internationally with family and friends. The best form of communication will depend on your interests and the country where you’ll be studying. Start to talk with your family and friends about your communication plan, keeping in mind the overall cost in terms of time, money, and technology management.

Options for International Communication

  • Send group messages to your family and friends via email.
  • Contact your family and friends all at once using a blogging website.
  • Make telephone calls from a computer, landline, or cell phone using programs such as Skype.
  • Social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook offer quick status updates and posting opportunities.
  • Calling cards come in a variety of prepaid minute packages allowing you to track how much you spend.
  • Talk to your cell phone provider to see if your phone can be activated for international use or use apps to call and text using wifi.

Useful Apps


WhatsApp: Stay connected! Message your family and friends, set up chat groups, and make voice calls using cellular data or wifi.


Tell your story! You can compile photos, text, and music in easy-to-use template designs. Share yours and like your friends' adventures too!